An optician's dream.....
An optician's dream.....
_POTD_SUBON14-11-2012 16:17

piney - 27-11-2012 03:36  
Cool Love it, we'll see how many know what it is Laughing
JG300-Stoopy - 27-11-2012 05:07  
Camouflage experiment? A really weird version of airborne Twister? Really serious Nicoderm CQ patches?

JG300-Ascout - 27-11-2012 09:25  
An assembly ship, hi-vis to facilitate assembling formations.

Another wild example, do a "Google Image" search for "The Little Gramper" Wink
JG300-Ascout - 27-11-2012 09:49  
There is also a book titled "Assembly Ships of the Might Eighth" that is worth a "google". Do an image search for some eye-searing pics! Shocked
401RCAF_Hammer - 27-11-2012 15:27  
-S- Try to blend in with the crowd...
JG300-fr8ycat - 27-11-2012 19:12  
"Love it, we'll see how many know what it is"

Duh...it's camoflauged as a "Push-up" ice cream. Razz
JG300-Ascout - 27-11-2012 19:20  
I'M impressed that anyone remembers what a "push-up" ice cream is!